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5 Relationships Between Online Games Addiction

If you have a problem with online gaming addiction, there are many ways to deal with it. Cognitive behaviour therapy is one option. This therapy focuses on challenging a person’s beliefs about gaming. It also focuses on reducing the amount of time a person spends gaming. While this method is not a cure-all, it does offer some benefits.

Self-rated health

The relationship between self-rated health and internet addiction has been studied by various researchers. It has been found that Internet addiction was significantly associated with poorer self-rated health among adolescents. The age, type of computer game, time spent playing online, and Internet addiction were the main independent variables. The findings were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression.

Social anxiety

In a study, social anxiety and mobile game addiction were found to be associated. Specifically, male adolescents reported more social anxiety when using mobile games than female adolescents. However, there are some limitations in the study, which warrant further investigation.


The relationship between introversion and online game addiction is complex, but some recent studies indicate that online gamers with high levels of introversion tend to engage in more social behaviors. For instance, introverted gamers are less likely to choose competitive, judi idn poker intense first-person shooters than extraverted gamers. Furthermore, their preference for games that promote social interaction and exploration reflects their introverted tendencies.


The scientific community has questioned the link between video games and aggression. Some studies have relied too much on self-reported data, and others have suggested that the link is weak. In addition, other factors are more powerful predictors of aggression than video games. Regardless, the findings from the research do pose a dilemma for parents.


Self-efficacy is a belief in one’s ability to perform a task or behavior. It is also a belief in one’s ability to overcome obstacles. Self-efficacy differs in different situations, though, and general self-efficacy may not be relevant for all situations.


A study has been published that examines the relationship between depression and online games addiction in adults. It examined 1401 participants aged 18 to 74 years. Researchers found that those who engaged in more social interactions online were less likely to exhibit symptoms of game addiction. The group with fewer social interactions exhibited higher levels of social anxiety and loneliness. In contrast, those who were socially active online reported lower levels of depression, selfesteem, and social anxiety.